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How To Become A Professional Poker Bluffer

Writer: pau simplepau simple

How To Become A Professional Poker Bluffer

Many players have said it and many others agree that if you're not bluffing in poker, you're doing it wrong.

Regardless of your overall strategy and how tight you want to play, you have to bluff from time to time. Your opponents need to know you can do it - otherwise you're predictable and too easy to fight against.

Some players hate bluffing 온라인카지노 and just don't want to risk it. They believe that "tight is right" and you should play to your strengths. This method might be good in some specific cases and some super soft games, but it won't cut any serious line.

So the question is, how do you become good at bluffing?

Fortunately, like everything in poker, the fine art of bluffing is something you can learn.

While you can't expect to become the best bluffer overnight, reading these tips and applying them to your games will definitely help you improve.

1. Stay away from money

When you sit down to play poker, you don't have to think about real world money. The chips in front of you are just the big blind and you have to see them as such.

It takes time to develop this mindset, but it will help you bluff better.

When you think about pulling a bluff, you need to clear your mind of all ideas.

Relaxed poker player

For example, in a $2/$5 game, betting $200 might seem like a lot of money. But if you take those big blinds into account and bet 40BB to win a 150BB pot, it's easier.

I understand that this is easier said than done and takes a lot of practice, but it is very important.

You will never get good bluffs if you match every bet with what that money can buy. This will make you hesitate to pull the trigger, and even if you do, your opponents can sense your reluctance.

The only time you should think about real money is if you know it might cost your opponent. If you know they are thinking about money and are in the state of mind described above, this is something you can use to your advantage. These players are often prime targets for big bluffs because they won't call you and risk a lot of money on a non-profitable game.

2. Learn to tell a story

If you want to become an expert at bluffing, you need to understand that your bluffs must make sense.

Being brave and not caring about money is fine, but any decent player will call you out if they don't add to your story. So before you decide to bluff, think about what you are trying to represent.

Weaker players don't seem to understand this concept well.

For example, you open from UTG, they call the big blind and the flop comes AK. They check, bet and then raise you.

This story just doesn't make sense. You have a big advantage on this board and they only have a few solid hands in their range to call on this board and not 3-bet preflop.

If you're bluffing the seat, it's one of the worst to pick, and a good player will often call the flop in the air just to get it on the turn.

Make sure you know what story you're trying to tell first, think about whether it makes sense, and then move on to the execution phase.

For example, you can check a turn that completes a possible flush draw in order to raise your opponent's bet.

This story is very believable and will put your opponent in a difficult situation, especially if you follow with a bet on the bing browser river when he calls the turn to play poker. Sometimes you tell the perfect story and they still pick you. That doesn't mean you're bad at bluffing. Some players don't like stacking.

Even if your bluffs don't always work, if you pick your spots carefully, you can add more chips to your stack by pulling the trigger.

3. Control your body language

This is strictly for live poker, but I can't leave this point.

Controlling your body language is easier said than done, but definitely something you should do if you want to become an expert at bluffing.

Poker player with relaxed body language

Body language plays an important role in live poker, and if you have a lot of it, experienced players are more likely to read you.

But what if your hands shake or you start breathing faster when bluffing? What can you do about it? It's not like you can control these things.

First, you need to be aware of your presence at the table and know if there are changes when bluffing. Once you get this part right, you can start working on removing it or minimizing its effects.

A good way to do this is to have a stable position when you participate in an important hand.

For example, holding both hands together and near your mouth can help hide many recognizable expressions. It's hard to see when you're shaking hands, and other players don't have a clear view of your throat or chest.

Of course you should, unless you're bluffing. Find a certain position that works for you and maintain it every time you participate in an important pot.

While this may not eliminate all spells, it will certainly make it harder for your opponents to pick solid reads.

4. Be careful with the table picture

Knowing how other players see it is important in general, but it is important for developing your bluffing strategy.

I know players who bluff so infrequently that they can take me out of any hand that isn't crazy. Then there are players I'd like to see all the way to the river with second pair and no kicker.

Image is everything.

If you want to be good at bluffing, you need to create an image of someone who is more than capable of bluffing, but not a fool. This way you will always keep your opponents on the edge of their seats and guessing.

However, you can't always plan how the session will go.

You may get several bluffing opportunities in a row and some people may think you are bluffing all the time. Or maybe you died on the map so you're considered a rock that has nothing to do with anything but nuts.

Try to see things from your opponent's point of view and adjust your game accordingly. If you feel like you're being labeled a crazy MAS, it might be a good time to step back and pass on some bluffing opportunities.

You have to take into account the fact that in this scenario you will be seen more, so the profit from your bluffs will be significantly reduced.

5. Learn to pick the best spots

If you're thinking of bluffing, you have to have something in the way. Either the situation is favorable or the player you are facing is likely to bluff (preferably both, of course). Learning how to pick bluff spots is one of the most important skills you need to develop.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this.

Poker is such a fluid game that you can't have a strategy and not stick to it.

There are many bluffing spots in some games. Sometimes you are forced to play straight and very rarely. Some general tips on this topic include:

Don't bluff the call stations - they don't fill up enough.

Avoid bluffing players who tilt.

Always be on the lookout for fear cards: extra cards, cards that complement clear drawings, etc.

Bluff is more against shorter stacks - they don't have enough chips to think about.

At the same time, avoid super short stacks. They can be too much.

As you can see, there are several factors to consider when choosing your bluffing spots.

For example, haunting cards 온라인슬롯사이트 are some of the best friends of any good bluffer and give you plenty of opportunities to stop your aggression and force your opponent to fold.

Of course, you'll rarely be in a perfect scenario where you can check all of these boxes, but making educated bluffs and considering these elements will go a long way.

6. Avoid bluffing in multi-way pots

Some of the biggest and craziest bluffs of all time - happened at the head of banks. You rarely see an experienced player bluffing big against two, three or more players.

And for good reason.

With so many players involved in the game, a more successful bluff is more difficult. There's a lot you need to know before you proceed, and it also increases the chances that someone has a good hand. Of course, you can still take the small cuttings to the pot if no one shows interest - but don't join.

If you try to summon two or more players, it's time to throw in the towel.

There are many better places to profit from without wasting your chips in bad situations.

7. Games with different stake sizes

One of the masters of experts is to play with different sizes to throw their opponents and confuse them. For example, if someone expects a normal bet of about half the pot, but is faced with a huge bet of 1.2 times the pot, they are in uncharted territory.

They may have made plans for a normal bet, but now they have to completely rethink their strategy. READ MORE

You also need to understand that your bluffs cannot look weak or be built in a way that costs your opponents. Players who are bad at bluffing often bet something like 15 percent of the pot on the river and then complain that they called a weak hand.


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